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Obecnie pracujemy nad tłumaczeniem i wkrótce będzie ono dostępne na naszej stronie internetowej. W międzyczasie oferujemy Państwu opis w języku angielskim. Przepraszamy za niedogodności.

Mensta is non-hormonal medicine for the normalization of the menstrual cycle. This medicine reduces the symptoms of PMS, discomfort and pain. Also the Earl is a tonic for the female reproductive system.


irregular, painful periods, tonic for reproductive system.


extracts delivered from 1000mg Saraca indica, Woodfordia fruticosa 280 mg, Ipomoea turpethum, Nigella sativa, Tachyspermum ammi, Zingiber officinale, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula, Cyprus rotundus, Cuminum cyminum, Adhatoda vasica, Piper longum each 48 mg, Aloe vera, Bereberis aristata, Pterocarpus santalinus, Mangifera indica each 24 mg, Ferula asafetida 10 mg, Sodium benzoate as preservative q.s.


1-2 tabletek twice a day. Or as directed by your doctor. The medicine is not recommended during menstruation.

Original name:

Mensta, 30 tabletek Dabur.

In in our store You can buy authentic Mensta, 30 tabletek Dabur at a bargain price!

This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

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Questions: 1
Добрый день а какие именно консерванты используются в менсте?
The administration's response:
Здравствуйте, Анастасия!
В таблетках Менста применяют Натрия бензоат.