1 review
20,77 zł

Obecnie pracujemy nad tłumaczeniem i wkrótce będzie ono dostępne na naszej stronie internetowej. W międzyczasie oferujemy Państwu opis w języku angielskim. Przepraszamy za niedogodności.

Krimihar vati helps to expel worms and their eggs, prevents re-infestation. It is highly efficient against round and tapeworms.

Moreover, Krimihar vati maintains biorhythms of gastrointestinal tract, relieves abdominal spasms, nausea.

Krimihar vati improves absorption and digestion. Thus it has a positive impact on weight gaining. 


anti-parasite medicine with a wide range of activity, including round and tapeworms.


Palaspappara 125 мг, Vidanga 125 мг, Rechanaka 125 мг, Ajmod 125 мг, Katuka 50 мг, Trayamana 50 мг, Bakuchi 100 мг, Nimba 50 мг, Trivrt 50 мг, Nagkesar 25 мг, Inderian 50 мг, Kali Ziri 50 мг, Amla 50 мг, Baheda 50 мг, Harad 50 мг, Dadima 25 мг, Hulhul 50 мг, Nimba 100 мг.


adults: 2 tabletek twice a day after meal together with milk or water. Children: 1 tabletka twice a day after meal.

This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

Reviews: 1
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