1 review
10,20 zł

Cardamom stimulates the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates the formation of gastric juice and increases appetite. Cardamom is beneficial for the nervous system, relieving tension and stimulating the brain, helps to get out of depression. In Eastern medicine it is believed that cardamom is removed from the body mucus, and so it is used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, colds and coughs. It also cleans the gastrointestinal tract and is included in many collections, which normalize digestion. Due to antiseptic and analgesic properties, cardamom is a great remedy for relief of tooth, cleansing of the oral cavity and breath, as it effectively neutralizes the pathogenic flora.

Cardamom seeds contain 4-8% essential oil composed of limonene, terpineol, borneol, their esters and cineol, in its pure form which is a liquid, with odor of camphor. From the description of the cardamom in Wikipedia: "In cardamom contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc. Natural zinc in it than in many other spices. Vitamins: B1, B2, B3. Cardamom pronounced tonics. As such, it is useful during exercise. Cardamom improves the heart muscle if to drink it alone or add it to hawthorn, cinnamon or saffron.

Original name:

Green Cardamom, 20 grams Anapurna.

In our store You can buy authentic green Cardamom, 20 grams Anapurna at the best price!

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